HO PRR Trailer Decals Late Scheme (Post-1960)
This set was produced to introduce a more comprehensive set for this equipment, which hadn't been done by previous manufacturers.
Learning its lessons from the early development of Truc Train Trailer service in 1959 the PRR introduced newer, bigger trailers with a newer, simplified circle logo too. However, due to different applications, the circle size varied, and so did some of its lettering, such as refrigerated trailers had special logos designating them as such.
When painting, the vast majority of the trailer bodies were painted red. Then lettering was applied as appropriate. All lettering on the trailers was yellow, outlined in white for greater visibility.
This decal set is good for all trailer schemes prior to 1960, when the switched to a more simplified scheme. This sheet has enough data to do 2 different trailer scheme variations. The use of photos for reference is highly encouraged. For applying the circles to a piece of styrene, the larger circle is 0.621” in diameter, the smaller circle is 0.552” in diameter.
For references in regard to the PRR's post-1960 Trailer fleet please consult the Pennsylvania Railroad Technical & Historical Society's publications, The Keystone, Volume 25 No. 3, and The Keystone Modeler, numbers 85, 86, 87 and 91.
A special thanks to Curt LaRue for his encouragement and assistance in creating this decal set.